We all love long, lustrous hair and playing with different hair lengths and styles. It boosts confidence and helps us experiment with different looks. Psychologists say people who play with their hairstyles are often adventurous and open to new experiences.
Previously, playing with hair length was daunting because not even one's hair grows faster, and an individual needs to be stuck in one hairstyle for years. Well, with the rapid development in the hair extension arena, it is not a problem anymore.
Currently, a vast range of hair extensions are available in the market. If you choose a top salon to do this, it will look natural and blend well (due to the extension's quality and the hairdresser's experience).
Well choosing a top salon is not enough; you must choose the right hair extension length to achieve the perfect look.
Various factors, such as height, body type, or the length of your original hair, play a crucial role here. Any mistake can make your hair look artificial and ruin your whole appearance.
Are you stressed already about how you will evaluate so many factors? Don't worry; in today's article, we will explain different hair extension lengths and types and how to choose the perfect one so that you never mess it up.
Without any delay, let’s start!
What are the Different Hair Extension Lengths?
When you choose the right hair length, you unlock the door of the perfect hair look. As stated, one must choose the hair extension length depending on height, desired look or natural hair length. Do you know why? For example, if you are tall, your hair will look shorter.
Thus, you must remember these factors for the final step. However, before that, being informed about the different hair extension lengths is mandatory.
Here is the hair extension length chart for you-
The shoulder-length extension is dedicated to people with naturally short hair and love to keep it short even with extensions.
It offers quite a chic appearance and allows the freedom to play with different looks, such as subtle waves and sleek bobs.
It is easier to manage. Please note that if you are taller, it might get too short. Hence, consult with an experienced dresser before making a final decision.
Medium-length hair expansion is for those who don't like hair that is too short yet want to enjoy a hustle-free hair extension. It is beyond should but not too long. This extension allows one to do curls, updos, and voluminous waves.
A lot of people prefer long hair extensions because they feel more feminine and love to flaunt them. A long hair extension provides a captivating look with ease. It goes up to 20-22 inches. However, before opting for it, take note that it needs extra care than short or medium-length hair.
If you already have long hair and want to add more length, you can go for extra-long length, up to 24-26 inches. Like the long hair extension, it also needs extra care to maintain health. Experts suggest opting for top-quality hair extensions for this purpose. They ensure less to no damage to natural hair.
Hopefully, this guide will help you choose the ideal one. However, do not forget to pay attention to the maintenance routine and consider whether that is suitable for you (time or schedule-wise). It is because, without care, you cannot pull out the desired look.
Hair Extension Length Chart
As the lengths of various hair extensions are precise, it is essential to mention that the 'inches' do not look the same on everyone.
Here, the type of your natural hair and height matters a lot. For example, in curly hair, the length appears lower than it is. Thus, if you have curly hair and taller height and choose shoulder-length hair extensions, it will not look good on you.
Similarly, if you have lower height and straight hair and go for an extra-long hair extension, there is a chance that it will touch the ground. Hence, following a proper hair extension length chart is mandatory.
Here is the hair extension length guide for you-

Be careful while choosing the lengths of your hair extension. It controls the whole look. For more information, have a detailed communication with an experienced hairdresser.
Different Hair Extension Types and Their Length Options
Hair extension is a vast arena. There are different types of hair extensions, and they are suitable for various types and lengths of hair.
Hair extension enthusiasts often get stuck at questions, like what are the best extensions for short hair or what is the best extension for thin hair? To get all these answers, you must know the different types of hair extensions and their lengths. It will help you to make a more informed decision.
Before heading to the main agenda, which is different types of hair extensions, it is essential to mention that there are three types (temporary, semi-permanent, and permanent) of extensions.
It is one of the most convenient types of hair extensions. You can wear it right before the occasion and remove it as soon as you reach the home.
As the name suggests, it does not give a long-term result. However, its lifespan is longer than that of a temporary one. It remains in place with proper care for 6 to 8 weeks. After that, you will be required to visit the salon.
Permanent hair extensions remain the same for a couple of months. However, one requires a top salon and regular maintenance for visible results.
You can choose the lifespan according to your wish. Let's start with the different types of hair extensions-
a. Clip-in Extensions
Clip-in hair extensions are among the most popular extensions in the market due to their affordable price range and easy handling.
Clip-in hair extensions or clip wefts are temporary extensions. In this, the hair remains attached to a silicon or fabric base. One can wear and remove them according to choice or mood. Thus, one can play with their hair volume or length at any time. Additionally, it doesn't require a salon visit; it is affordable and convenient.
Typically, clip-in hair extensions are available in different lengths, such as 12, 16, 18, 20, and 22 inches and come in 16 colours.
b. Halo Extensions
Halo is another temporary hair extension that helps add volume and provides a different look. Additionally, it is one of the best hair extensions for people with thin hair. You need to wear it like a headband and flaunt it. Moreover, the ideal maintenance can go up to 8 weeks, which is cost-effective.
It is usually available in 12, 16, and 20 inches and more than 20 colours.
c. Ponytail Extensions
If you want to turn your bad hair day into a good hair day in just minutes, ponytail hair extensions are one of the best ways ever. Make a ponytail with your natural hair, tie it securely, and attach the hair extension to it. Proper care and gentle usage can last from six months to one year. Please note that it is a temporary hair extension. Thus, you don't need to visit a salon every time.
Ponytail hair extensions are commonly available in 18 inches, 20 inches, 24 inches, and 26 inches.
d. Tape-in Extensions
Tape-in hair extensions are also semi-permanent extensions. In this process, medical-grade glue attaches the hair extensions to the roots of the natural hair. If you take care of them properly and follow every guideline carefully, they can last up to six to eight weeks.
It gives a more natural-looking appearance than the clip-in and contributes to changing your look.
You can quickly get 14, 16, 18, 20, and 22 inches tape-in hair extensions.
e. Sew-in Extensions
Sew-in hair extensions are more like semi-permanent hair extensions, and they require professional help. In this process, the hair extension is attached to the natural hair through a threaded method.
After this, it is stitched. Due to this process, they are also known as weft hair extensions. They last 6 to 8 weeks; after that, you will require a salon visit.
The sew-in extensions are available in 14 inches, 16 inches, 18 inches, 20 inches, and 22 inches.
f. UV Extensions
UV hair extension is one of the latest hair extension types on the market. Here, every strand of hair extension gets attached to the natural hair with the help of special glue, and the process is done under UV light.
The UV light helps to activate the glue, which then works as a bonding agent. It can last 4 to 6 weeks (more or less, depending on the scalp type).
UV hair extensions are available in 12 inches, 16 inches, 20 inches and 24 inches.
g. Fusion or Keratin Extensions
In fusion or keratin extensions, glue is used to attach the hair extensions to the natural hair. Although this process is quite similar to the UV one, no light is used in this process. These extensions are extremely customizable and blend very well. A proper maintenance routine lasts three to six months.
Fusion or keratin hair extensions are widely available in various lengths, such as 14, 16, 18, 20, and 22 inches.
h. Microlink Extensions
If you want perfectly natural-looking and customizable extensions, you can opt for micro-link hair extensions. Here, the hairdresser applies tiny weft and uses small silicon-lined beads to attach the extensions to the natural hair. After that, a tool tightens the bond between the natural hair and the extension.
Please note that you must go to a salon to install and remove this extension. Do not try to remove it at home. If maintained properly, it can last up to eight months.
Microlink hair extensions are available in various lengths, such as 14, 16, 18, 20, and 22 inches, and in small sizes, like 10 inches.
It is just the tip of the iceberg, and there is a long queue of options. Hence, do your research well to ensure the time needed before making the final decision.
Remember, the cost of the extension also depends on its length. Thus, take time and make an informed decision.
How do you choose the Right Length for Hair Extensions?
Undoubtedly, hair extensions give a blow to the look and contribute to achieving the desired look. However, choosing the perfect one is mandatory.
While choosing hair extensions, gather information on factors like how long they last or how much hair extensions cost. Then, take time to compare the hair extension length. This will help you get the best hair extensions at a competitive price range.
Here are a few tips that you must consider while finalizing your extension.
The extension looks completely different depending on your height. For example, if you are shorter, an 18-inch extension will reach your waist and provide a voluminous look.
On the other hand, if you are taller, it will reach your shoulder. Hence, first, choose the look you want to decide the length of the extension.
Plan the kind of hairstyle you want before opting for the extension because it can make visible changes to the extension.
For example, if you opt for a cascade haircut, it will shorten your length visibly to do it properly. Thus, plan one or two haircuts and choose lengths according to that.
Natural hair texture impacts the extension length a lot. For instance, if you choose a 14-inch extension for curly hair, it will look much shorter than straight hair. Thus, you need at least 20 inches of extension to get the same look as straight hair.
You must maintain your hair extension like natural hair to get the shiny and lustrous look you dream of. Remember that a lengthy extension needs more care. Thus, consider your schedule before you decide on the extension length.
The length of your natural hair is one of the key factors when you choose the length of your hair extensions.
For example, if you have short hair and are looking for volume only, choose a ½ head of 14" extensions, and to add length, choose a ¾ of 14" or a full head of 16".
The golden rule of hair extension is that the hair extension shouldn't be more than double your natural hair length. If your hair is 25cm, the extension must not exceed 50cm. If it goes beyond 50 cm, it will blend smoothly and will look artificial.
Like the natural hair length or type, natural thickness also matters greatly. Choosing thin extensions over your natural hair strands will not bend. To make a decision, make a ponytail of your natural hair, and if your pony is less than 2 cm thick, you have fine hair; for this, 100g of extensions are okay. For thick hair, 200g of extensions are recommended.
Choosing the longest or shortest extension doesn't always mean choosing the best one. Consider the mentioned factors for a seamless blend and natural look.
Achieve a Dreamy Look with the Ideal Hair Extension Length
Hair extension helps to achieve your desired hair length overnight and allows you to play with your hair effortlessly. However, choosing the perfect length ensures that it will look natural on you or not. Hopefully, this guide will help you with this. For more information, always rely on an experienced salon like Radiance Beauty.
They have been serving this (hair extension and more) industry for 40 years, which has strengthened their knowledge and given them the chance to work with various types of clients. They are known for their personalized approach and attention to detail, which will help you get your desired look.
Visit the salon and get your dreamy look now!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the minimum hair length for extensions?
The minimum length of extension depends on the extension you are choosing. For example, 3 inches of natural length is fine if you plan to go for tape-ins or clip-ins.
On the other hand, a minimum length of 8 - 10 cm is required for bonding. It is also essential to place the bond 1 cm away from the roots of the natural hair. It helps to protect the roots from any damage. Hence, it is suggested that you follow the best length for hair extensions guide for an idea.
2. What is the average length of hair extensions?
The average length of extensions is 14 inches, 16 inches, 18 inches, 20 inches, and 22 inches. However, the most popular average hair extension lengths are 18 and 20 inches.
3. Should you get 18-inch or 22-inch hair extensions?
18-inch hair extensions are among the most popular lengths in the length of hair extensions chart. Depending on height, they fall in the back area. They are one of the best ways to add volume and look very realistic, too.
At the same time, 22-inch hair extensions are also gaining rapid popularity because they are ideal for people with taller statues and long hair. If your natural hair comes to your chest area, use the 22-inch hair extension for a realistic look.
4. Are 16-inch hair extensions long enough?
The length of the extension always depends on your height. If you are 5'1 to 5'5, the 16-inch hair extension will go below your collarbone area. Visit a salon for detailed information on different lengths of hair extensions.
5. Are 20-inch hair extensions too long?
No, 20-inch extensions are not too long. You can go for them if you have medium-length natural hair. Usually, they reach under the bust. However, please note that they can vary depending on your height.
6. Do longer hair extensions come with a higher price tag?
Yes, longer hair extensions come with a higher price tag because they require more hair strands and intense making process.
Here, please note, there are some salons who quotes much lower prices for a longer hair extension. However, they come with a poor quality and lower lifespan. Hence, make an informed decision.